Staying up-to-date on social media can so easily turn into an hour of lost time scrolling on our phones that leaves us discontent and disconnected with the ones we love the most. It’s a struggle most of us deal with in this digital age we’re in, and I’ve brought in my friend Eryn Hall to give us practical tips and encouragement on how to do social media well.
My highlight reel is going to look different than someone else’s highlight reel and that’s how it should be. We need to accept that and rest in the Lord. The grace and goodness I have and my acceptance, my identity is found in him and not in someone else’s social media.
If limiting your own screen time is something you struggle with, check out the apps in the show notes below to start monitoring your time. Ask a friend or GCM podcast club member to check in with you for accountability. Let’s live our lives for God and for our families first, not just for the social media posts.
What we chat about:
- How to do social media from a Godly worldview
- Recognizing how social media makes us feel and doing a heart check
- Learning to rest in God’s approval and not in the approval of social media
- Stepping away and asking God, “Is this for me?” before responding to a place of potential jealousy
- Paying attention to whether we are finding our identity in God or in social media
- Boundaries we’ve put in place on social media
- Not looking at social media first thing in the morning and starting our day off in prayer so we are secure in who God says we are
- Healthy switches for spending your time on something other than social media
- Staying present with your kids with boundaries on your device usage
- Not immediately posting a picture of an event or activity and checking your “why” behind the photos and posts
- Be sure of who you are and whose you are before you post
- A cool story about how someone came to Jesus after reading God’s word on social media
- Being digital evangelists and staying faithful to the message of who God is
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-- posted at: 12:30am CDT