In a world where devices, video games and screen-based entertainment dominate our time and space, we can choose to make our family culture different. It isn’t easy and it isn’t always fun, but there are huge benefits for us and our kids when we take time away from devices.
This week’s guest Andy Crouch is the author of “The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place”. He shares about our calling to be image bearers of God and how his family has seen a lot of growth by putting limitations on time with technology and building in Sabbath rest from devices.
Have moments as a family where you talk about what have been your best moments. What’s been the flourishing moments in our family? It’s very unlikely people will say, ‘Oh that time we made it to level 16 in whatever video game.’ Kids and parents will remember moments that had this kind of real authority and real vulnerability.
As we head into summer, I hope this episode encourages you to embrace the power of your kids being bored so they can tap into their God-given creativity, abilities and interests. Just hang in there through the first third of the time! Listen to see what I mean.
What we chat about:
- Image bearing as it relates to authority and vulnerability
- Video games and screened-based entertainment simulate authority and vulnerability
- Andy’s family’s Sabbath for screens and devices- one hour each day, one day each week and one week each year
- How to work toward unity on device- and technology-free time with your spouse
- Start small and do what’s stretching when it comes to taking time without devices
- Talk as a family about the best times you’ve experienced together and plan to have more of those moments
- The first third of the time is really hard, but in the second two-thirds you’ll see creativity and really good things for your family
- Changing your physical space to make the main thing we do together different
- Work and rest vs. Toil and leisure
- Not looking at your phone first thing in the morning till you’ve been outside
- Having a rhythm of disengagement with technology that reconnects us with real rest and with who we really are in God’s image.
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-- posted at: 12:30am CDT