Don't Mom Alone Podcast

Do not be fooled. This world is a spiritual war zone. We can’t give our enemy too much credit, but we also can’t ignore him.

What do we do when the battle heat is on? 

From personal experience, I chose to “phone a friend” (or more like ugly-cry-in-the-church-hallway-at-BSF). Speaking the lies out loud and having a fellow believer speak truth over me was my first line of defense. Next, I asked for prayer from friends and even from my Facebook page community (Are you hanging out over there?).

Most importantly, I read God’s Word for myself and wrapped that belt of Truth around my waist (Eph 6:14).

That’s why today’s podcast topic is so important to me. I would be doing y’all a huge disservice if you didn’t learn to read God’s Word and allow His Spirit to speak to you through it. 

Today I’m introducing you to a new friend of mine, Cari Trotter who is going to help us read the Bible.

I am blown away by her outgoing personality and her passion for women to know God through His Word.

She is a gifted Bible teacher, wife to a H.S. Football coach and mom to 3 little ones. Beyond all that? She is a beautiful daughter of the Creator of the universe.

We all have the potential to walk towards our ‘legacy as a royal heir’–the glorious becoming. It starts, like Cari says, ‘by sticking your nose in His Word and discovering real answers to the questions you are asking.’

I truly pray after you hear this interview you will pick up your Bible, read a section (even one verse) and ask yourself the two questions Cari shares in today’s episode. That through the wisdom God provides and personal revelation, you will begin your glorious transformation. 

What we chat about:

  • We just  jump right in . . .how labeling an area we want to work for God, gets a target on our back, yet we can walk inside grace in the hard stuff.
  • Be still & know God. . .what to do in the heat of spiritual battle
  • Cari’s family. . .including her HS Football coach hubby.
  • Our journey is not about a perfect walk, but one of faith.
  • Cari’s over-riding passion is for women to know the Word of God–transforming heart knowledge.
  • God doesn’t toss out who we were, He takes all of us and molds it into who He wants us to become.
  • Where a woman can start studying God’s Word and how to make it real for herself.
  • Word becomes flesh when we see & know our identity in Christ.
  • A story of leading a Bible study in prison–one gal’s realization that she was created on purpose by the God of the universe.
  • The two questions to ask after you read 10-15 verses–“What questions am I asking?” and “What am I praying?”
  • Ask God to give you the wisdom for the revelation of His Word.
  • Having a time & a space to spend with God, not in a legalistic way, but in a “need this or I fall” way.
  • The difference of a day with at least 5 minutes in His Word. One verse. One prayer and His Holy Spirit.
  • How a verse can transform when you read it one day to the next, providing just what you need to hear.
  • Memorizing Scripture highlights certain phrases.
  • The power of personal transformation from God’s Word.

Connect with Cari:

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Show Notes:

an excerpt: 

God thinks it’s about time to reevaluate who you really are. It’s time to heal that broken heart and mend that torn spirit. It’s time to open the eyes of your heart to see what the Father, the King, really sees. What He sees is the royalty of a princess becoming all glorious within.

 The King’s daughter is all glorious within! (Psalm 45:13)

  • Ephesians 1:17–“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”
  • HelloMornings (new challenge registration starts next Monday, Sept 29th)
  • Kat Lee–Inspired to Action
  • For Cari’s ongoing Bible Study groups follow the hashtag: #goodmorningdarling on Twitter

What is your approach to reading & studying the Bible, for yourself?

Direct download: Ep_40_Cari_Trotter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:15pm CDT