Mon, 28 July 2014
Last year we were family camp newbies. But after a week of refreshment, bonding and spiritual encouragement, we were hooked on the concept. In fact, before we left camp we had signed up come back again this year. I could literally talk to you for hours about all the reasons Pine Cove is a gift to our family. (In fact, our time riding horses last year, inspired the most popular post I’ve ever written.–>read it here) With such a high bar, I worried how this year would measure up. Thankfully, it didn’t disappoint. (well, ok, I didn’t ride horses this year. . .which was disappointing at first. . .but I’m saving that story for another post). The director of Pine Cove Bluffs is Chris Sherrod. He is a gifted teacher and invaluable source of Spiritual mentoring to the husbands who attend camp. His lovely wife, Katie, also a superstar, spends one lunch with all the moms spurring us on with Truth and love. When I started my podcast, one person I wanted to interview was Katie Sherrod. So, along with our bags of clothes and some flashlights and lots of swimsuits, I grabbed my mic. She and I sat on the floor in my cabin one afternoon and recorded this podcast. I hope her words remind you of your value as a wife and mom. Most importantly, that you accept God’s rest, relish His grace and seek His wisdom. What we chat about:
A mother’s prayer:
Show Notes:
Sun, 27 July 2014
Tue, 1 July 2014
If you are reading via email, click here to listen to the podcast. If you are reading email, on your phone, click here. As you heard on my last podcast with OhAmanda (Amanda White), she and I love movies. We also LOVE to use movies to help talk to our children about God. On today’s podcast, she and I chat about the newly released, “How to Train a Dragon 2”. We answer the question, “Is it okay for my kids to see?” We let you know what we did not like in this flick. We also share what we loved. For those of you who’ve already seen it, we discuss our favorite overriding themes and conversations you can have with your kids. A few examples:
At the end of the week Amanda will be posting her discussion guide and possibly a link-up where you can add your own family movie guide. Choose a film you’ve enjoyed watching as a family and type up some ideas for discussion topics/questions stemming from the movie. Show Notes:
Join the Family Movie Mom discussion. What themes, questions, and/or conversations did you come up with after seeing this film? |