Don't Mom Alone Podcast

Heather interviews Crystal Stine, mother to two-year old Maddie. Crystal shares her story of reluctantly walking into motherhood. The humbling process of experiencing a miscarriage. The joy of having her daughter. She also gives ideas for ways she makes time to spend in God's word throughout a busy day of juggling a full-time (outside the home) job and being a mom.  

Direct download: First_Time_God-Centered_Mom_Episode_10_with_Crystal_Stine.m4a
Category:motherhood -- posted at: 3:58pm CDT

Heather interviews her mom, Cathy Price. They discuss the what, how, who, and why of discipleship. If you've ever been curious about what it means to be a discple or to disciple others, this episode is for you. 

Direct download: Discipleship_101_GCM_ep_9_with_Cathy_Price.m4a
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 3:17pm CDT

Heather interviews a long time friend, Rebekah Greer. In this episode Rebekah shares her story of marriage at a young age, her husband's infidelity, multiple attempts at reconciliation and their eventual divorce. She also vulnerably shares the challenges of being a single mom with 5 kids and how the church supported her through that time. Make sure you listen to the whole episode to hear how without any plan to find another husband, the Lord graciously provided a wonderful man whom she married several years ago. Rebekah wonderfully communicates the hope in connecting with God over any other relationship and the beauty of redeeming love. 

Direct download: GCM_Redeeming_Love_Ep8_Rebekah_Greer.m4a
Category:marriage -- posted at: 10:56pm CDT