Don't Mom Alone Podcast

It’s not a magic formula. But almost.

This week’s guest is Dr. Emerson Eggerichs (New York Times Best Selling author of “Love & Respect”). He has opened my eyes to the high value of respect with boys & men with his newest book, “Mother and Son: The Respect Effect**”. ‘Game changer.


The Respect Effect


With this new “respect effect” perspective, interactions with my boys have changed. Before a word comes out of my mouth I’m evaluating if the tone is positive and the correction is focused on the behavior and not the person. I’ve also noticed how I alter what I say when helping them get along with one another (e.g., “Are you respecting your brother when you take the toy he is playing with?”).

I know, I know. A few weeks ago I published a parenting boys episode. I promise an interview with Sissy Goff is in the works, to help moms with girls (she leads a camp all summer. . .so we’ll be chatting in the Fall). But just like with the other parenting boys episode, whether you have sons or daughters, after listening you will understand your husband better. That’s a very good thing.

And I know, I know, I share several books on the podcast. Each of my guests is selected with a lot of thought and consideration. Deciding to only introduce you to books that I would want to read myself. But this book sits at the top of the summer reading list. Seriously. (Just ask all my friends which book they see me toting around and talking about this month 😉 ).

What we chat about:

  • How the popular “Love & Respect” message applies to mother & son relationships.
  • Recognizing that honor motivates men (and our boys).
  • How teen girls respond differently than teen boys to a mom’s critique.
  • A great definition of “respect”.
  • How to hold boundaries with our boys, but still respect their spirits.
  • A specific example of how to apply “respect talk” with your boys.
  • How this respect effect can be applied by teachers in the classroom.
  • Using the acronym “CHAIRS” to identify areas you can use respect talk.
  • How it’s never to late to start.

Links Mentioned:

**Amazon affiliate links

Direct download: GCMEp122EmersonEggerichs.mp3
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