Don't Mom Alone Podcast (biblical training)
What happens when you’ve had a Proverbs life - following the rules and making the right choices -  but then you wake up to find yourself living in Ecclesiastes where life is painful and doesn’t quite make sense? It’s easy for us to think we can do and achieve - that if we just get the right formula we’ll unlock an easy life replete with God’s blessings and perfect family photos.  Through her own story of God’s provision through heartache and uncertain circumstances, Kim Sorgius encourages us to lean in and really know the Lord in difficult times. Not just to know about him, not to search his word for what the plan is, but to search it for Him. She wants our paradigm to shift and for us to embrace that “the beauty of life isn’t found in perfect circumstances…[but] in faith.” 

Kim has a deep desire for us to both experience and pass that sturdy faith onto our children. Born from the difficulty (and faithfulness) of single motherhood is her blog and online store, Not Consumed, where she has created Bible studies and products to help you engage the scripture with your kids. Join us to hear Kim’s incredible story and to be encouraged as you work to share your faith in meaningful ways. 

Connect with Kim Sorgius: 

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Direct download: KimSorgiusEp356.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

In a world of increasing chaos, we crave certainty. We “know” the answer lies in some good disciplines like daily time with God. How can you step into a habit of studying God’s Word with consistency and success, even when your daily rhythms are upside down?

Let’s turn Bible study from a “should do” into a vibrant, life-giving way to get the Word into your heart. Our guest this week, Bible teacher Katie Orr, will encourage you in practical and approachable ways so that you can open God’s Word and be fed.

We talk through the stops on Katie’s “Bible Study Boulevard” - an assessment you can take on her website to help you figure out just where you are on your Bible study journey. Identifying your “stop” can help you adopt methods you can use right where you are, right now to connect with God and know Him more. Her online community at is a place where women can connect and receive training, encouragement, and accountability to enjoy God’s word. She is even offering Don’t Mom Alone listeners a special on her 5 Days to Better Bible Study Course to jump start your study! 

Connect with Katie: 

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  • Athena Club: Show your skin you care with the Athena Club Razor Kit! Sign up today and you’ll get 20% off your first order! Go to and use the promo code dma.
  • Stitch Fix: Get started today by filling out your free style quiz at and take advantage of free shipping and returns. 
  • Uncommon Goods: To get 15% off your next gift go to Don’t miss this limited time offer. 


Direct download: KatieOrrEp352.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:00am CDT

As Kayla Craig sat in the hospital watching her daughter have a machine breath for her, she struggled to find the words to pray. In that difficult time in her family’s life, she learned about the power of liturgies which are scripted prayers from scripture. The more she turned to these powerful prayers prayed by Christians from all over the world, the less alone Kayla felt. 

Years later, Kayla has created a book with modern liturgies for parents with more than 100 prayers to voice when words are hard to find.

“The book of prayers that I have created are just simply prayers that you can borrow, prayers that can become your own. The prayers of another can comfort us and can lift our arms up and we can't lift our arms up. If you don't have the words to pray, take mine.”

From everyday struggles like helping your child find friends or thrive in school to larger issues like praying for a brighter world rooted in peace and truth, these pleas and petitions act as a gentle guide, reminding us that while our words may fail, God never does.

Stay tuned for about 20 minutes in when Kayla prays a powerful prayer over all of us weary parents! I think you are going to love learning more about liturgies and breath prayers from Kayla. I hope this is just one more tool in your prayer tool belt -- we certainly need all we can get!


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  • Simply Be Box -- Get your winter box just in time for Christmas. Go to use code DMA10 for $10 off your first box. 
  • StoryWorth -- Give those you love the most a thoughtful, personal gift from the heart and preserve their stories and memories for years to come. Go to and save $10 on your first purchase. 
Direct download: KaylaCraigEp344.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

If God is holy, then He can’t sin. If God can’t sin, then He can’t sin against you. If He can’t sin against you, shouldn’t that make Him the most trustworthy being there is?

I’m thrilled to have Jackie Hill Perry back on the podcast to share about her much anticipated book, “Holier Than Thou”.

She walks us through Scripture, shaking the dust off of “holy” as we’ve come to know it and revealing it for what it really is: good news. As it turns out, God being “holier than thou” is actually the best news in the world, and it’s the key to trusting Him.

“Holiness is really abstract, but what does it have to do with me? The truth is it has everything to do with the way we live because the way we engage with the world around us is symptomatic of what we believe is true about God.”

We also chat about how Jackie doesn’t “mom alone,” about her growing family and the holy calling of motherhood. This is a powerful episode! 

Connect with Jackie: 

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  • Stitch Fix Kids—Try today at and you’ll get 25% off when you keep everything in your Fix!
  • Hello FreshGo to and use code dma14 for up to 14 free meals, including free shipping!
Direct download: JackiHillPerryEp334.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

Mush brain.

That’s how I’d describe my mind after years and years of sleep deprivation.

Most young moms (especially if you had lots of littles in a row) know the challenge of forming a complete thought. Or staying focused during a quiet time. Or even having a moment alone with God.

I know Jennie understands.

Jennie is a sweet mom of two from Cambridge, England. She emailed me sharing struggles with sleep deprivation. Her son suffered from a serious of medical challenges leaving them with four years of interrupted sleep.

She knows the power of a strong relationship with God. But in this season has found connecting deeply with Him difficult given her exhausted, “mush brain”. 

The mentor that I called to answer Jennie’s questions is the amazing Sally Clarkson.

Sally understands having children who don’t sleep and she’s been through her share of challenging seasons. From those experiences and others she began to mentor young moms and encourage other women to do the same .

In this episode, Sally helps moms move beyond traditional spiritual disciplines to experience God in their everyday moments. Inspiring us to find the goodness of God, by intentionally filling our lives with beauty and pleasure.

For the exhausted mom who longs to know God better, I hope this episode gives you peace, perspective and practical ideas.

Connect with Sally Clarkson:

Site :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Pinterest 

What we chat about:

Jennie’s Questions: 

  • How do I have a decent quiet time when I’m exhausted?
  • What tips do you have for getting through challenging circumstances?
  • Does a hard season have long-term impacts on your faith?

Sally’s Answers: 

  • Motherhood is a battleground.
  • What we struggle through is normal and women for generations have experienced it.
  • God created us to be in community. God is present through people.
  • Build things into your life to enjoy the goodness of God.

Other topics we cover: 

  • Journaling prayers
  • Breath prayers
  • Physical rest vs. soul rest

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Featured Sponsors: 

Function of Beauty -- Take your quiz and get customized hair products for 20% off your first order at

Stitch Fix Kids -- Try Stitch Fix Kids today and get 25% off when you keep everything in your Fix. Go to

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Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

I’m excited to welcome back Mo Isom Aiken  to the podcast. She writes and speaks powerfully about how God has redeemed her own brokenness and set her on a path to challenge, encourage and equip other Christ followers. In this episode we talk about how each of us was made for true intimacy with God on a heart level. 

“The ultimate will of the Father is to know him intimately and to be known by him and to press into an intimacy with God that is all-consuming and not based on our doing as much as our being with him -- who we are, who he is. Allowing this intimacy that really takes us to think about marital intimacy, a vulnerable exposed, honest place that draws near to us. And somehow this rhythmic, you know, coming together transforms our heart.”

Mo takes us into her own story of God peeling back the layers of shame and her own twisted view of intimacy to heal the deep places of her heart. We talk about how God wants to do the same for each of us, but it’s a process. 

In this time when so many of us have lost the support that sustained us and distractions that hid our true feelings, Mo invites us to draw near to God trusting him and exposing our physical vulnerabilities to him. 

“If we want to understand the deeper layers of spiritual intimacy with God, we've got to be willing to work through the very physical layers of things that have impacted our life and story because everything in the physical is ultimately served to shape our perspective of intimacy overall and especially intimacy with God.”

Connect with Mo: 

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Direct download: MoAikenEp318.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

Have you read the whole Bible? That was the question my guest Tara-Leigh Cobble struggled to answer while talking to a pastor friend. As she thought back through her life growing up in a Christian home, being involved in church and now working in full-time ministry and she couldn’t say for sure that she’d really read ALL of the Bible. 

So she started a chronological reading plan to read it all, even the genealogies. But as she read, Tara had to wrestle with stories she’d never heard from the pulpit.  

“I was questioning the Bible because I was reading the Bible and I was questioning not is this true, but is he good? Yeah. Do I like him? My mentor said the places where you have difficulty with God lean in because the good stuff is on the other side of this. The good stuff is on the other side of this struggle.”

After completing her own journey of reading the full Bible and seeing scripture and God in a new way, Tara-Leigh created The Bible Recap podcast and book to help others encounter God through his Word. And she’s here to give us a pep talk for reading the full Bible too. 

“You behold the living God in scripture, and all of a sudden, instead of feeling burdened by your to-do list, you're going to be buoyed and carried along by the love of the God of the universe and by the person of who he is. And that's what I want you to take away from scripture every day, a vision of the God who loves you and who has already accomplished all that he requires of you.”

Connect with Tara-Leigh: 

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 Featured Sponsors: 

  • Pretty Litter — get 20% off your first order at with promo code: DMA
  • Thrive Market — join Thrive Market today and get 25% off your first order AND an exclusive FREE gift only at
Direct download: TLCEp312.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

This episode originally aired in Nov 2016

Today’s guest is Christy Nockels, Dove award winning musician and mom to three children. In 2006 she made the God-led choice to step away from the music industry, for a time, to pour into her family.

In 2016 she released the solo Christmas album, “The Thrill of Hope”. With a blend of classic Christmas carols and original pieces, she has crafted a beautiful addition to our Christmas music collections.

In this episode you’ll hear the inspiration behind the songs, “Amaryllis” and “Wrap This One Up”. . .both stories gave me goosebumps. I won’t think of the Bethlehem shepherds the same way again. And the winter blooming amaryllis reminds us the hope Jesus brought . . .

Our King has come, He’s with us now & He’s making all things new again. That’s the thrill of hope.

What we chat about:

  • How motherhood takes you from peaceful quiet times to sock-and-underwear prayers
  • The secret of simple scripture and open dialogue with God
  • Christy’s new album “The Thrill of Hope”- her first Christmas album!
  • The message of the amaryllis for those with heavy hearts in the Christmas season
  • How “wrapped in swaddling clothes” may have meant much more to the shepherds
  • Christy’s song on the new album that makes her listeners “ugly cry”

Links Mentioned:

You are invited to become a DMA Insider! Join us over here and get bonus content. Including live Mentor Moment Q&As. In 2021 Bruce and I will lead Insiders through a StrengthsFinder Series. Learn the 101s of StrengthsFinder. And how knowing your Strengths impacts your marriage, parenting and career. 

Merry Christmas!

Direct download: WRChristyNocklesFinal.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

This is episode originally aired in Nov of 2015. 

Our copy is duct-taped and well-loved. . .

My oldest son beamed telling me how he’s read the whole Bible in a couple weeks. . .

It’s sold almost 2 million copies. . .

Children (and adults) have been wooed by the story of their Great Rescuer. Of His ‘Never-Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.’

And now “The Jesus Storybook Bible” is even more accessible.

This week’s podcast guest, author Sally Lloyd-Jones, chats with me about her newest project. . .

Same great content, new design, new title. . .for a new audience. “The Story of God’s Love for You” is now available. For the person you never would have thought to give a children’s Bible. The person who needs to hear:

“It’s not about rules, so keeping them God will love us. Or heroes we’re supposed to copy so God will love us. It’s about a God who loved us before we even knew Him. A God who will move heaven and earth to be with His children.” –Sally Lloyd-Jones

In this episode, Sally shares a little of her background and the inspiration behind “The Jesus Storybook Bible”. We also spend time talking about how God uses stories to reach our hearts.

Sally knows how to speak grace and the gospel message. Her words will feel like a deep cleansing breath. Her books are daily reminders of grace. The grace we long to show ourselves and our children.

Connect with Sally:

Story of God’s Love for You :: Site :: Facebook :: Instagram

Join our DMA Community: 

Become a DMA Insider. In 2021 Bruce and I will lead the community through a StrengthsFinder Series. Learn the 101 of StrengthsFinder. How knowing your strengths helps your marriage, parenting and career. 

Direct download: WRSallyLloydJonesFinal.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

Whether we like it or not we have habits that define our lives. We have habits that determine when we wake up, how we spend our time and where we focus our energy. Joining me today to talk about how to establish routines and healthy habits is my good friend Kat Lee. 

As the founder of Hello Mornings, Kat is all about helping people have a life-giving morning routine every day in as little as three minutes, but beyond just mornings, Kat has a wealth of knowledge to share on habit formation and a lot of encouragement that we can do them.

“Whatever it is that you're wanting to change or improve--whether it's your morning routine, your parenting, your marriage--whatever it might be, if you believe that it's possible with God and you have a plan and you're committed to it, then you can only progress.”

We talk about the idea of deconstructing habits we want to break to find solutions. Decision design and how our lives make habits easier or harder and we even get into a little neuroscience. 

But ultimately, Kat wants to remind me and you that God is for us and wants our time and attention.

“It's not just about the morning routine or checking anything off, but it's about tapping into the one thing that's going to help you the most each day. And I hope that if you walk away from anything from this episode, it's just that God is with you and that He is for you.”

Connect with Kat: 

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Featured Sponsor: 

Thrive Market -- get a free gift of up to $24 when you sign for a Thrive Market Membership. go to

Direct download: KatLeeEp300.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

It was such an honor for me to chat with one of my favorite authors for this episode. Max Lucado has written almost 100 books and is a pastor at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio. We talk about his new book You Are Never Alone and he shares with so much kindness and care about how we can trust in the miracle of God’s presence — yep, even in 2020.  

Max knows God’s word and he combines meeting you where you with the truth of who God is in a powerful way as we talk about responding to loneliness as moms.


“I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but what if God does have a miracle? And what if God in his sovereignty can use this isolation or use this unusual circumstance to draw you closer to him and show you who he is? So rather than resist this, be open to the idea and say, Okay, Lord, I still believe you're there.”


If you are feeling weary with all this year has brought your way, this episode is the pep talk you need to reframe your perspective on God’s goodness and not give in to our emotions or feelings of hopelessness. 

“The message of the miracles is you're really not by yourself. You're not alone. Your heavenly father loves you and the Lord Jesus will come to you. And the Holy Spirit will empower you. Don't give in to despair now. You may feel nothing but exhaustion, but your feelings are not a barometer of the presence of God.”

Connect with Max: 

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**Amazon affiliate links

Featured Sponsors: 

  • Will You Be My Friend -- new book by Sam McBratney (author of "Guess How Much I Love You") Available where books are sold**.
  • Care/of -- Go to take your 5 minute quiz. Enter code dma50 to get 50% off your first order.
  • Sunbasket --Go to and enter code DMA to get $35 off your first order.
Direct download: MaxLucadoEp298.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

From learning to walk to tying their shoes and eventually learning to drive (coming up for me soon!), so much of parenting is teaching, training and encouragement. 

When it comes to faith in God, we do all we can to teach our kids about God’s Word and engage kids in church, but research from the Fuller Youth Institute is helping to shine a light on the potential gaps that cause a high number of youth to abandon their faith in college.

My guest Dr. Kara Powell shares a number of research findings that can be game changers for our families as we seek to help our kids develop a faith that sticks with them their whole lives, or “sticky faith.” As a mom of three, she talks about how she’s parented differently in light of her research and why now is the perfect time to start making small changes that could make all the difference.


“One of the things that surprised me in our research is that when young people feel close to their parents, they're also more open to what's important to their parents, including their faith. And so it's not just good for our family relationships. It's also good for the long-term trajectory of our kids.”

Connect with the Fuller Youth Institute: 

Links Mentioned:  

Sponsor: Text DMA to 303030 to get a free trial of Beachbody On-Demand

Direct download: KaraPowellEp290.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

A few years ago, my friend Kelsey Philips hit a crisis in her life. She felt physically unwell, depressed and desperate for healing. She connected with a missionary couple from her church who prayed with her and over her for two hours. It was in that prayer time that Kelsey recognized God’s voice for the first time.

He had been speaking to me for a long time. I just didn't know it was him. When you have an encounter like that, he speaks to these places that are so deep. He is healing wounds that are so far back and he is breaking you free of chains that are so heavy and hard and real. You don't ever want to go back to a place where you don't have that.

As we are in a worldwide crisis with the COVID-19 pandemic, I’m asking you to listen to Kelsey’s story with an open heart and mind. I believe we can hear God’s voice and that he is still speaking today. As Kelsey reminds us, there’s no better time than now to practice listening to the Lord. 

“It does require solitude and quiet and that is not our nature. But here we are in a season where we are in worldwide rest. We are forced into this place of quiet. We've all had to come off of the hamster wheel and this has been an incredible time to allow space to listen to him about what he's doing on so many levels.”

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Additional Resources:

Direct download: KelseyPhillipsEp279.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

In light of an unexpected time in history, our team thought we all need to be reminded of the Truth of who God is and to have our faith emboldened. This episode stood out as the perfect one to re-release. This conversation originally aired Spring of 2018.

Powerhouse Christine Caine shares how she let go of fear and found faith for when the unexpected happened. Lots of truth and encouragement here for anyone who has encountered fear in parenting, a medical diagnosis and rejection in friendships… so all of us!

"Jesus never said we’re not going to have trials. He said, 'When trials come', not if, but when. I think sometimes as believers we forget that, but we have a grace within it. I think part of our testimony to a lost and broken world is the way we go through it."

What we chat about:

  • Christine Caine’s new book, Unexpected
  • Emboldening our faith and letting go of fear in motherhood
  • Trusting that God will fill in the gaps of what we’re able to do as parents
  • Basic spiritual practices can be some of the most powerful things in our lives
  • Facing painful actualites in a fallen world
  • Christine’s reaction to her cancer diagnosis
  • Jesus is the name above all other names, including cancer
  • Having a “faith cocoon” of friends to encourage you in the face of fear
  • Enduring suffering as Christians
  • Giving in to the pain and fear and suffering is not the answer
  • We serve a God who is bigger!
  • Godly motherhood in this generation is harder than it’s ever been
  • Leaning in with a spirit of faith and not pulling back with a spirit of fear
  • We’re called to train our children up and not restrain their giftings
  • Dealing with rejection in friendship and moving forward

Connect with Chris:

Links Mentioned: 

Direct download: ChristineCaineReRun.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

During the last 10 minutes of my conversation with Dr. Turansky I asked him about how to train a child with oppositional behavior. He mentioned 7 different tools. With each tool there are several resources available through his website ( 

Please listen to Ep 274 for the rest of the conversation. 

Direct download: ScottTuranskyBonusFinal.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

When a child disobeys, our knee-jerk reaction is typically to discipline with consequences. It’s probably how we were parented and seems like the best choice at the moment. But what if we took a different approach? 

My guest Scott Turansky has some exciting, hope-filled news for us. We can look at our child’s behavior and identify a heart attitude that needs training. Changing their attitudes or internal motivations is what will drive external or behavioral change. 

“I would suggest that parents move to consequences too quickly and that another approach is needed to make a lasting change in a child's heart. If we strategically focus on the heart of a child and use techniques that are more internally-focused, we can see some really significant things take place.”

Scott is an expert in parenting. He literally teaches college courses on it. He’s the director at the National Center for Biblical Parenting, the author of several books and a father of five. Scott shares a lot of wisdom and practical advice for moving our kids from a place of defiance and disobedience to an attitude of honor and selflessness. 

It’s a lot to take in, but so good and full of hope. We can do this and Scott is here with resources and ideas to help us train our kids’ hearts. 

Connect with Scott: 

Links Mentioned:  

Featured Sponsor : ESV Seek and Find Bible Until 2/24/20 save 40% off at

Featured Sponsor : FabFitFun Use DMA10 at to save $10 off your first box

Direct download: ScottTuranskyEp274.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

Kelly Minter followed her dreams to Nashville to pursue a career in music. After years of highs and lows as an artist (mostly lows), Kelly had the opportunity to switch fields and write her first Bible study with LifeWay Publishers. 

Kelly shares with us about how in the midst of disappointment and unfulfilled dreams, she has found God faithful to continue writing her story. One of her first studies centered on the life of Joseph, a man who also had dreams that weren’t fulfilled the way he expected.

“Suffering made Joseph fit for the dreams that God had for him. Those dreams were birthed and they were going to happen. But it was the hard, difficult process that made Joseph ready and able for those dreams. Because a lot of humbling had to happen, a lot of faith had to be forged, a lot of obedience had to be built and a lot had to happen for Joseph to be ready for that.”

Now an established author and speaker, Kelly has a gorgeous new cookbook out focused on accessible recipes to inspire your cooking and stories about building community around the table.

Links Mentioned:  

Direct download: KellyMinterEp271.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

As a lawyer who felt pressure to provide for her family and make a career for herself, Kim Cash Tate was surprised to feel God calling her to a ministry of staying home with her kids and later homeschooling them. 

She could have ignored the prompting and pursued her career, but Kim chose to “cling” to God and step out in faith. That decision took her to a lot of places that a law career never would. She became a fiction writer and led Bible studies and now writes and stars in a web series and in music videos.

But her focus isn’t about making a name for herself or reaching a goal. It’s always been about intimacy with God and following his leading in her life. 

If you feel stuck in your current season of motherhood or discouraged that you have dreams you haven’t seen fulfilled, Kim’s story can give you hope and expectancy that God is still writing your story. 

And as we choose to draw near to him, he is faithful to lead us to things that are better than we could’ve planned on our own.

Connect with Kim: 

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Verses Mentioned:

You must follow the LORD your God, fear him, observe his commandments, listen to his voice, serve him, and cling to him. Deuteronomy 13:4 

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Featured Sponsor : PrepDish

Prep Dish meal plans were created by chef and dietician Allison Schaaf to help save you time and put home-cooked meals on the table. No meal time stress. No more answering the dreaded question, “What’s for Dinner?!”. Developed by chef and dietician Allison Schaaf, Prep Dish is a healthy, whole food based meal plan subscription service. Allison does all the planning for you- including easy-to-follow shopping lists and prep-ahead instructions so you know what to prepare and when. NOW offering KETO MEAL PLANS!

Imagine…all of your meals prepped and ready to go for the entire week. We like to call this meal time bliss! Get 2 weeks FREE go to

Featured Sponsor: Connected Families

Your kids will mess up. So will you. Connected Families believes that the perfect time to build wisdom and GROW your relationship with your kids is during the messy times. They’ve developed an 8-session online course called Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart. It is only offered twice a year, so register today! Use coupon code DMA15 for 15% off!

Direct download: KimCashTateEp269.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:10am CDT

So much of the Old Testament in the Bible is devoted to the traditions and celebrations of the Jewish faith. It is all a part of the rich heritage that Jesus was born into and the prophecies he fulfills. As Christians, we often skim over the Jewish feasts and traditions and focus on the New Testament.

My friend Amber Lee shares why we should all consider celebrating one or more of the traditional Jewish feasts and how the rhythm of pausing and celebrating the Lord’s provision can be a life-giving practice for you and your family.

For me it’s a gift that the Lord continues to unfold. It’s like a dad saying, ‘Hey, here’s a way to live life better. Here’s something that is better for your soul. If you would just pause the crazy rat race that you’re running for just a minute, for just two hours, and talk with people that you love about what’s going on.’

We talk about the various feasts and about the practice of keeping the Sabbath. But, more importantly, we acknowledge that participating in these traditions is not about being a better Christian or another thing to put on your to do list. It’s really about intentionally pausing life to celebrate God and inviting others into that celebration.

And in each of the feasts, there’s this foreshadowing of bringing in the Gentile or bringing in the outsider. I think it’s just beautiful and the Lord saying it was always my intent to include everyone.

What we chat about:

  • How and why Amber started celebrating feasts
  • The biblical background of Jewish feasts and how Jesus interacted with them
  • It’s about pausing and celebrating how the Lord has provided
  • The names and differences between the various feasts
  • The way the feasts were meant to include outsiders and Gentiles
  • Learnings about Jewish traditions and observing the Sabbath
  • The Sabbath is really about pausing with intention and processing life with the Lord
  • All about the feast of Pentecost and how the layers of prophecy fulfillment enrich the understanding of all that Jesus did
  • How to start with Jewish feasts and tips for starting in small ways

Links Mentioned:

**Amazon affiliate link to help support the production of this podcast.

Direct download: AmberLeeEp217.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

It’s an uncomfortable and often controversial subject, especially in the church, but homosexuality and same sex attraction is something we all need to understand from a Biblical perspective. This week’s guest Jackie Hill Perry shares how the power of the gospel in her life rescued her from the sin she was living in as a woman with same sex attractions.

She not only brings us into her amazing story, but absolutely preaches the word of God and brings a lot of clarity to what can feel like a gray area for many Christians.

My conscience would not allow me to shake the truth that Jesus died for sin and that he is not pleased with sin at all. So I tried my best to shake him and I couldn’t…And I felt God speak to my heart and say that my girlfriend or my sin would be the death of me. That the wages of sin equals death. Because I saw it wasn’t my girlfriend or my lesbianism alone. It was that my entire life would be the death of me.

Jackie shares stories and insights from her new book Gay Girl, Good God. She also answers listener questions about how to share God’s love with LGBTQ friends and family by treating them as a whole person and keeping the gospel centered on God’s truth and not culture’s.


Direct download: JackieHillPerryEp214.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

In a time when biblical truth is often narrowed down to a greeting card slogan or a small subset of feel-good encouragements, the She Reads Truth community takes a different approach. The bible studies and reading plans from She Reads Truth take a deep dive into scripture with the goal to understand the big picture of who God is throughout history and our need for his grace.

SRT co-founder and CEO Raechel Myers shares the community’s origin and her personal story of encountering God’s goodness amidst the loss of her daughter. Jump in to hear Raechel share her heart for studying scripture and relying on the Holy Spirit in the difficult places of parenting.

I can base my understanding of God on the 36 years that I’ve experienced with him, but that is a mistake. God’s story is so far back before I ever existed. And so one of the important reasons that we read the Bible is to understand the broader story of who God is and how I fit into his story, not how he fits into mine.

What we chat about:

  • Raechel’s writing background and the purpose behind her first blog
  • How God trained and equipped Raechel through various experiences before She Reads Truth began
  • The origin of the She Reads Truth community
  • Taking God’s word for what it is and not relying too heavily on devotionals or feel-good scriptures alone
  • She Reads Truth has options for everything from free reading plans to beautiful, bound books
  • A new children’s story book they’ve produced called This Is the Gospel
  • Addressing faith and trusting that God is who he says he is with your older kids
  • Why scripture plays such a key role in our understanding of who God is beyond our own experience with him
  • The importance of modeling Christian life for our children’s spiritual formation
Direct download: RaechelMyersEp211.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

You desire your children to walk with God. But how do you lead them to that place?

Is that only your husband’s job? What if you are a single mom or functionally single mom?

What about your role as a leader in your faith community? Should women leaders be gentle and quiet?

Today’s guest is Jen Wilkin, author of “None Like Him” and “Women of the Word”.  She debunks some myths we believe about spiritual leadership, inside and outside of the home.

Her desire is for women to be grounded in the truth of God’s Word. To study with both their hearts and their minds. To know God and who He is. Then from knowing Him and His character see how He crafted us uniquely and our high worth in His eyes.

In this episode Jen and I chat about spiritual leadership. How we can expand the definition of what we think that means. How leading our children changes over the years. How her own single mom prayed fervently for her and for God to grow big in her life.

We also discuss how to be a spiritual leader in your community. How to manage that responsibility with humility and boldness. And how women need to not just see cute Instagram posts but know who God is from His Word.

What we chat about:

  • Jen’s young mom journey with three kids in four years.
  • The need for accountability and structure in studying the Bible as a young mom.
  • How the Wilkins describe leading children spiritual–the differences over the years.
  • Tips for the woman who is spiritually leading her children.
  • Expanding the definition of “spiritual leader” in the home.
  • Jen’s journey of spiritual growth having a single mom.
  • Self-reflection asking “Am I stepping on people? Limiting the contribution of others?”
  • How to be a woman in spiritual leadership/ministry.
  • What do you do if women think you are more “spiritual” than them.
  • How to be grounded in theWord and not cute, Instagram posts.
  • What does it mean that God is transcendent.

Links Mentioned:

Direct download: SofM2018JenWilkinWk6.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

In her new book, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere tackles the question, “What is truth?”. It is a defining question in our current age which is ruled by a shifting sea of opinions and a constantly changing culture. But, truth is person, Jesus. And, he is a Rock for his people.

When I began to look at this, I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, they were looking for Christ’. The magnet that would draw, but not be drawn, the one who is light, this whole dynamic of being invincible, that’s what adamant means… invincible… it’s also immovable, constant, that rock who follows us in the wilderness… That word in Hebrew means, ‘an unassailable refuge’. That made me realize that Christ is our unassailable refuge.

Listen as Lisa shares wisdom and encouragement for moms, daughters and followers of Christ everywhere.

What we chat about:

  • Lisa’s background and testimony of meeting Jesus and her husband
  • Parenting, discipline and setting your children up to win
  • The power of positive affirmation in strong-willed children
  • Explaining the why behind the rules and connecting it to God’s word
  • Having grace for the season you are in as a mom
  • Prayers for your kids to go beyond where you are in your walk with Christ
  • Doing motherhood well is not the same as doing it perfectly
  • The meaning of adamant and the background on Lisa’s new book
  • Christ is our unassailable refuge, our rock, our adamant
  • We can’t love what God loves if we don’t hate what God hates
  • The danger of pride and how it separates us from God’s grace
  • Jesus is our pattern for how to love
  • You will never regret kindness and loving words
  • Bring in the word of God when you have disagreements

Links Mentioned:

**Amazon affiliate link

Direct download: GCMLisaBevereEp204.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

Powerhouse Christine Caine shares how she let go of fear and found faith for when the unexpected happened. Lots of truth and encouragement here for anyone who has encountered fear in parenting, a medical diagnosis and rejection in friendships… so all of us!

Jesus never said we’re not going to have trials. He said when trials come, not if, but when. I think sometimes as believers we forget that, but we have a grace within it. I think part of our testimony to a lost and broken world is the way we go through it.

What we chat about:

  • Christine Caine’s new book, Unexpected
  • Emboldening our faith and letting go of fear in motherhood
  • Trusting that God will fill in the gaps of what we’re able to do as parents
  • Basic spiritual practices can be some of the most powerful things in our lives
  • Facing painful actualites in a fallen world
  • Christine’s reaction to her cancer diagnosis
  • Jesus is the name above all other names, including cancer
  • Having a “faith cocoon” of friends to encourage you in the face of fear
  • Enduring suffering as Christians
  • Giving in to the pain and fear and suffering is not the answer
  • We serve a God who is bigger!
  • Godly motherhood in this generation is harder than it’s ever been
  • Leaning in with a spirit of faith and not pulling back with a spirit of fear
  • We’re called to train our children up and not restrain their giftings
  • Dealing with rejection in friendship and moving forward

Links Mentioned:

**Amazon affiliate link

Direct download: GCMChristineCaineEp202.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

Today I have my first return guest to the God Centered Mom Podcast. . . Amanda White from (throwing virtual confetti).

One of the many (thousand) reasons I love Amanda is her commitment to help parents know it’s easy to impress God’s Word on their kids’ hearts.

Since we cherished & raved about her “Truth in the Tinsel” Christmas curriculum, y’all better hold on to your horses and get excited because she has just released a new Easter Family guide, “Sense of the Resurrection: an Easter Experience for Families” (click here to get your copy) *affiliate link.

“What I want is a simmering in your heart and in your family meditating on Christ’s story”-Amanda

In this podcast, learn:

-the story behind the name

-the reasoning behind the 12 lessons

-how many activities to do each week

-how the curriculum is organized

-tips for how to personally prepare before teaching your children

Amanda shares why she waited a year to release this program, her current hesitations and her desires.

“I want to lead your kids to the Lord with you.” -Amanda


  • Matthew 10:19-20 “do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say,  for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”
  • Isaiah 55:10-11 “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”
  • Ezekiel 36:26 “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”
  • What’s in the Bible-#10 Jesus is the Good News
  • Super AWESOME unEaster Basket Alternative

 Since Amanda and I are such. big. fans of this Christ-centered approach to Easter baskets (in my version there is a superhero cape involved. . .click here to learn more).

We decided to join together and giveaway some fabulous products for your Easter basket this year. Items that go deeper than a cadbury egg ever could (although throwing one of those in the basket wouldn’t hurt. . . ahem).

One super-duper-blessed winner will receive ALL  of the following products (see entry form at the end of this post…contest ends March 31, 2014) Even if you don’t win, now you have lots of ideas of things to put in your kiddos unEaster baskets:

VeggieTales ::: The newest DVD, Veggies In Space!

Scripture Stickies ::: Exactly what it sounds like–stickable Scripture verses. Kinda like a fun and meaningful post-it note. Scripture Stickies is giving away the Cross Scriptures and Jesus is RisenPLUS 10% off + free shipping with code UNEASTER for everyone!

God Gave Us Easter by Lisa Tawn Bergren ::: a sweet picture book for kids

U-NEEKS ::: Alliebird Set and Color Wonder Pad from Dayspring’s U-Neeks!

Yancy ::: Her newest pre-teen devotional, Jesus Music Box Devotional + a Yancy tshirt (boy or girl version!)

Seeds Family Worship ::: Get the whole set, all 7 albums of this modern, awesome-for-the-whole family CDs.

You Can Draw Bible Stories by Sandy Silverthorne ::: A fun book for your little artists. (my boys LOVE to use this book to draw pictures when they attend “big church” with us).

Willow of Wonder ::: Choose any 8×10 from this gorgeous shop. PLUS choose a print of her Easter subway art (which is free to download!). PLUS PLUS 20% off code with EASTER.

Muncle Fred Art ::: $30 bouquet from this beautiful felt florist

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What are your family Easter traditions?

For more “Easter” focused posts…click on this God-centered mom resource page.

Direct download: GCM_ep17_OhAmanda_Easter.mp3
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 12:00am CDT

Heather interviews her mom, Cathy Price. They discuss the what, how, who, and why of discipleship. If you've ever been curious about what it means to be a discple or to disciple others, this episode is for you. 

Direct download: Discipleship_101_GCM_ep_9_with_Cathy_Price.m4a
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 3:17pm CDT

Heather interviews her father discussing ideas to be intentional in teaching children God's Word and in spending quality time with them. Her dad, John Price, shares how he grew up in a "Christian" culture but never really grasped salvation until adulthood. Listen to how he decided to study the Bible with his kids and his method of doing so. Resources mentioned in the podcast can be found at 

Direct download: GCM_Ep_6-_Donut_Dates.m4a
Category:biblical training -- posted at: 10:27pm CDT