Don't Mom Alone Podcast

“I can almost hear your question. The . . . what idol? Love Idol? How can love be an idol? Love was God’s idea. We were created in God’s image, and God is love!

Paul wrote to the Corinthians: ‘These three remain: faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these is love.’ Yet we take God’s ‘greatest’ and contort it into an idol. We twist our desire for approval into a false god. . .

This book is for any of us who want to live content in God’s perfect love, freed up from the wearying demands of the Love Idol.”

–Jennifer Dukes Lee

 Moving from an award-winning news reporter to farmer’s wife, Jennifer found her need for other’s approval followed her like a parasite.

She chronicles her journey of (continued) healing in her new book, “Love Idol: Letting go of your need for approval–and seeing yourself through God’s eyes”, which released last week  (Get a copy here) 

Can you relate to craving love so greatly it becomes the driving force to all your decisions and actions?

I definitely can. People pleasing consumes my thoughts, my time, and my energy.  So, I’m forever grateful to Jennifer for writing this fabulous book and for taking the time to chat about it on this week’s GCM podcast.

On this podcast episode we discuss:

  • What is a love idol?
  • Whose love are you seeking? And Who has given it to you already?
  • How do you admit you need help and accept healing?
  • What is the process of tending to the garden of your heart?
  • How does the love idol show up in our mothering?
Show Notes:

Connect with Jennifer Dukes Lee:

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More God Centered Mom posts on the topic of seeking people’s approval:

“When I want to please people” (guest post at

Servant of God: alternative to People Pleaser

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Category:healing -- posted at: 12:30am CDT