Mon, 19 July 2021
Mush brain. That’s how I’d describe my mind after years and years of sleep deprivation. Most young moms (especially if you had lots of littles in a row) know the challenge of forming a complete thought. Or staying focused during a quiet time. Or even having a moment alone with God. I know Jennie understands. Jennie is a sweet mom of two from Cambridge, England. She emailed me sharing struggles with sleep deprivation. Her son suffered from a serious of medical challenges leaving them with four years of interrupted sleep. She knows the power of a strong relationship with God. But in this season has found connecting deeply with Him difficult given her exhausted, “mush brain”. The mentor that I called to answer Jennie’s questions is the amazing Sally Clarkson. Sally understands having children who don’t sleep and she’s been through her share of challenging seasons. From those experiences and others she began to mentor young moms and encourage other women to do the same . In this episode, Sally helps moms move beyond traditional spiritual disciplines to experience God in their everyday moments. Inspiring us to find the goodness of God, by intentionally filling our lives with beauty and pleasure. For the exhausted mom who longs to know God better, I hope this episode gives you peace, perspective and practical ideas. Connect with Sally Clarkson:Site :: Facebook :: Twitter :: Pinterest What we chat about:Jennie’s Questions:
Sally’s Answers:
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